Valuable Sports Memorabilia Lost Forever đź’°

Lost Memorabilia

I’m officially adding the Giannis 64 point ball to the extremely valuable (and mysterious) list of lost sports memorabilia…

Wilt’s 100-Point Ball

There’s no footage of this game leading some to believe it never even happened, but by far the expensive mystery is what happened to the ball

Some say it was left in Wilt’s gym bag, others say he gave it to a teammate

If found, it would immediately become the most sought after piece in sports

Estimated Value: $1 Million

Muhammed Ali’s Gold Medal

After returning from the 1960 Olympics, Ali was met with racist acts and threats in his hometown of Louisville

He was so disgusted that he stripped the gold medal off his neck and threw it into the Ohio River. Many believe it rests there to this day

Ali claimed this was never happened, but after that day the gold medal was never seen again

Estimated Value: $1M

Franco’s Immaculate Ball

One of the most iconic plays in NFL history, and the ball is nowhere to be found

Eyewitnesses say Franco handed the ball directly to a ref after the play, but the ensuing extra point is where they completely botched it

The stadium crew never put the net up and the ball sailed into the crowd, never to be seen again

Estimated Value: $100k

OJ Simpson’s Heisman

After the news broke of OJ’s police chase, USC officials feared his memorabilia (including his Heisman Trophy) would be stolen or vandalized, so they removed it all from their case

After being acquitted, the Heisman was returned to its case, but stolen a week later

OJ’s Heisman hasn’t been located since

Estimated Value: $75k

Rocky Bleier’s Super Bowl Rings

Bleier won 4 Super Bowl rings with the 70’s Steelers

While giving a motivational speech in Charlotte, 3 of the 4 rings were stolen out of an unlocked dressing room

Rocky never saw the rings again

Estimated Value: $75k

Jackie Robinson’s Debut Jersey

In 1947, Jackie Robinson made his MLB debut in a Brooklyn Dodgers jersey

A similar jersey from his rookie season sold for over $2 million, but the first and most coveted one has been lost forever

Estimated Value: $3M+

Mazeroski’s Walk Off Ball

Bill Mazeroski is still the only player to hit a walk off homer in Game 7 of a World Series

After the ball sailed over the fence at Forbes Field many claimed to have the ball

Maz said 5 people came up to him saying that they had the real ball, but none of them were ever confirmed

Estimated Value: $150k

Secretariat’s Saddle

I know you didn’t expect to see a horse on here

In 1973 Secretariat won the Triple Crown

The saddle cloth he wore at the Kentucky Derby was said to have been handed to a valet, but no one has seen it since

Estimated Value: $250k

Evander Holyfield’s Ear

Evander Holyfield was rushed to the hospital immediately after Tyson’s jaws claimed a chunk of his ear

A section of his ear was stored in a rubber glove, but while being transported the glove was misplaced and the chunk of his ear was never seen again

Estimated Value: $10k


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